Saturday, June 19, 2010

Fun by the Focean

End of another lovely week.

My heart is still aching from putting up my beautiful photo wall. I had ordered a bountiful amount of photos from Snapfish, because what use are they just sitting in my computer, all lonely-like? So I printed them out, and mounted them in my prison cell of a dorm room. 150 pictures ($12! Heck yeah!) of some of my favorite people in the world. As I was flipping through them all, I took a trip through memory lane.


Rolling around in the grass at the Court of the Carolinas. Dancing wildly at a Starfucker concert. Chicago. New York. Prague. Colorado. Stoopin on Clark. Eating corn dogs and drinking pabst on our roof. Sparklers on the fourth. Snowed in 2010. Glowsticks. Headbands. Studio late nights. Studio early mornings. Cowboys and Indians. High Life. Biking at night. Helios. Helios late night. Sunday El Rodeo tradition. J-pot. Art to Wear. Suicidal feelings because of Art to Wear. Thing 1. Thing 2. Raleigh. Friends. Family.


End of memory lane. I won't subject you guys to my nostalgia anymore. :)

Wednesday night was Focean night. Alli and I headed over to Bradford Beach at dusk to see Lake Michigan, the beautiful faux-ocean (Focean). Armed with Coldstone ice cream and Hefeweissen, we sat down on the cool sand to gaze at the water. Nobody was out, except a few people walking by. Night slowly came, with lights from passing barges and sailboats fading into the mist, and Hall and Oates playing in the background from her iPhone. I still can't believe I've only been here for three short weeks. I feel like I've known these people and this place much longer.

This week Shawnna (the other home art intern) and I have started doing the artwork for our final project. I've been painting apricots, artichokes, corn, flowers, leaves, and other random motifs. So progress continues...

Last night we battled the rain and went to a cute little german restaurant/bar. Complete with huge murals, beer steins on display, and movies from the 60s paying in the background, this place is definitely one of my favorite places so far. The night was complete with a call from Andrew and Emzilla at J-pot.

I have skype guys! My username is jlroush2, so talk to me!!!

We're all jonesing for some good Mexican food, so we're gonna go take care of that now.

1 comment:

  1. do you know that you are an exquisite writer?

    seriously. i know what i'm talking about.

    if you don't continue blogging FOR YOUR WHOLE LIFE, i will do something drastic. like limit your intake of macaroni and cheese.

    i love you. keep making good memories. miss you!
